What is Feelin Fine
Why not feelin fantastic
Why not feelin fabulous
Why just, feelin fine?
Shoot for better, not perfect.
My name is Kevin, and I created Feelin Fine because I saw a trend in the supplement industry, proprietary blends that prevent you from streamlining your supplement intake. My upbringing wasn't anything special, I grew up with very loving parents in an upper-class neighborhood. Life is good, except for one thing. I was skinny…Really skinny, like 100 lbs. at 6 foot tall skinny. I realized at a young age that I suffered from an emetophobia or fear of throwing up. My fear created a cycle, first something would trigger my anxiety, I thought if I didn't eat I would have nothing to throw up. This brought hunger pains. Hunger pains brought anxiety.
My parents decided something needed to change, so they started sending me to weekly sessions with a nutritionist. At first I hated it, “who is this woman telling me what to eat, I'm perfectly fine as is”. Her process was very slow in the beginning, I think I gained probably 20 pounds in the first year or two. While that was quite literally 20% of my original body mass, I was still considered underweight.
I still had something in the back of my mind telling me “don't take that last bite” “if you eat too much you will throw up”, so I found a therapist who specialized in emetophobes. The combination of a structured eating plan and a clear mind helped me start Feelin Fine. My weight skyrocketed and I put on 50 more pounds in about 8 months. While this wasn't the best way to do it, my body needed it.
Now that I had my foundation, it was time to build a better version of myself. I started weightlifting and picked up a job at a smoothie bar that had the vision of healing through the use of organic ingredients. It was here that I realized I wanted a part in this industry. I worked diligently to learn as much as I could, health food expos, articles, and my nutritionist all helped me understand the complex workings of supplements and their effects on the body. I started with the essentials for bodybuilding, Vitamin d3, Creatine, and a Nitric Shock Pre work out. We then ventured into the more organic side of supplements.
Recently I have been very intrigued by mushrooms and their health benefits. With that I created our mushroom extract gummies which I am very proud of. I plan on doing so much more with mushrooms as they are truly fascinating. Anyways i can ramble on about mushrooms, different supplements, my life, etc, but i am going to end this here and thank you all for embarking on your healing journey with us. We have so many plans for 2023 and hope you stay with us through it all.
Much love,
- Kevin
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